Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is social media important?
People will answer this in a variety of ways but most simply put, social media has created a two-way dialogue for the masses and when new communication tools are available to anyone, anywhere, new ideas and possibilities emerge. The pillars of social media are transparency and responsibility and both of these tributes are critical in open dialogue.
More people are turning to social networks and online outlets to receive their daily intake of news and information rather than picking up a newspaper or watching the evening news. The masses no longer wait for news and information to be provided to them, they will go out and find it and react to it through Facebook posts or blog comments.
People are seeking information about businesses, universities, programs, organizations, etc. through social media outlets and therefore it is important to establish a presence in places where people are going for information.
2. What are the benefits of applying to be officially recognized by the University?
Once your social media account is approved, it will be listed in the CSU Social Media Directory. This public listing is intended to drive people to your account and become engaged. All recognized accounts will receive a legal disclaimer that states that Colorado State University regards the account as authentic.
3. Who should apply?
Any CSU college, department, group, program, etc. that would like to start and maintain a social media account representing a Colorado State entity should apply. It is recommended that a CSU employee who intends to serve as one of the accounts’ administrators fill out and submit the online application.
4. How long does it take to become officially recognized?
Once your application is submitted, expect to hear from us within 3-5 business days at which point we will let you know if your application has been approved.
5. What if my department/college/group already has an existing social media account? Should I still apply?
Yes. In order for your existing social media account to be officially recognized by the University, you will need to apply.
6. Does CSU’s Social Media Policy apply to my personal accounts on Facebook, Twitter, etc.?
No. The policy only applies to accounts that represent the University in an official capacity.