Using YouTube
What is YouTube?
YouTube is a video sharing Web site that allows users to upload, view, and share streaming video online.
Resources for YouTube Users
Why should I use YouTube?
YouTube is an effective communications tool for CSU organizations or departments that have interesting videos to share about a variety of topics from new research in a certain field to new programs from different divisions from all over campus. Digital video recorders are easy to come by, so if you think your CSU organization or department has content that would work well in video format, a YouTube channel could be a great way to showcase interesting material.
Don’t have enough video content to sustain a YouTube channel? Host your videos on CSU’s YouTube channel. CSU’s YouTube channel features videos from across campus, from athletics to student life to research-oriented pieces.
If you are interested in learning about how to get your videos on CSU’s channel, please contact Kimberly Stern at [email protected].
How do I use YouTube?
Start by creating a YouTube account here.
Enter a valid e-mail address and create a channel name that references CSU.
By agreeing to YouTube’s Terms of Service you must:
- Comply with all applicable laws
- Provide accurate and complete information
- Review and comply with YouTube’s policies including their Community Guidelines and Privacy Policy
- Maintain the confidentiality of your password
You must not:
- Upload or post content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights (“Rights”) of any party
- Use YouTube for commercial use without YouTube’s prior written consent
Start uploading videos
Uploading is simple. Uploading videos to YouTube involves the same steps you would take to upload a picture to any other site on the Web. YouTube will prompt you to browse your computer’s files and all you have to do is click the file you want to upload.
Variety of formats accepted. YouTube enables videos to be uploaded that are high definition, up to 2 GB in size, up to 15 minutes in length and come in a wide variety of formats.
Use descriptive key words. Once you upload your video, make sure to give it a descriptive title, a thorough description, and tag any potential keywords someone would search for to find your video. It is important to have keywords in your title, description, and tags. YouTube is the second largest search engine on the Web, so being descriptive and thorough will help people find your video. For example, for videos on CSU’s YouTube channel, “Colorado State University” and “CSU” are typically used in all titles, tags, and descriptions.
Other tips
Here are just a few more tips that will help you produce effective YouTube content:
Be mindful of video quality. If the content of a video is amazing but the quality is poor, there is a chance that the video might not be as popular. When filming, try to catch shots that have enough light, are clear of background noises, are free of too much shaking movements, and capture subjects closely and completely.
Choose appealing thumbnails. Thumbnails display a still picture out the video. This is the first things that viewers will see of your video. Making the thumbnail eye-catching or attractive in some manner is a great way to help spark more video views.
Create unique first/last frames. Considering making the first and/or last frame(s) of the video contain the CSU logo, your program’s name, and web address.
Keep it short. While YouTube allows videos up to 15 minutes in length, most viewers don’t have that long of an attention span. Try and keep your videos to about two minutes unless the content is compelling enough to run longer.
Spread the word. Share the videos on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks to provide access to as wide of an audience as possible.