Using Instagram
What is Instagram?
Instagram is a social media network that uses a mobile app to capture and share pictures between its users. Instagram recently launched its web presence through viewable profiles on the web, which displays recent photos. Instagram uses filters to give mobile photos unique and finished looks, and other users can follow you and comment on your photos.
Resources for Instagram Users
Why should I use Instagram?
Instagram offers the opportunity to share integral or unique photos about your CSU department, organization, or program with users. You can offer an insider perspective into your program, and share photos and information about offices, buildings, students, faculty members, or other parts of the department.
How do I use Instagram?
Download the mobile app on your smart phone.
Visit to explore Instagram Web Profiles. With the online access hub, you can follow other users, edit your profile, and comment on photos from the convenience of your web browser. Only your followers can see your photos online.
Link your Instagram account with other social media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter handles to share your photos with all of your followers and increase participation in your social media accounts.
Strategies for using Instagram
Take photos often, and share them with your followers habitually. Sharing frequently will increase your traffic and followers, and encourage users to participate.
Double-tap to “like” a photo. A white heart will pop up indicating your “like.”
Mention another user. In the caption or comment, use “@” and then another Instagramer’s username.
Use appropriate photos that share something unique about your department, program, or organization. Keep photos fresh and fun with these tips and tricks of taking good photos from Instagram.
Respond to comments on your photos. Replying to users comments will increase the quantity of your followers, and encourage activity and engagement between users.
Use plenty of hashtags. Use “#” and then a topic keyword (#CSUPD #learning), hashtags increase discoverability of your photo by other Instagramers.
Experiment with the different filters. Instagram has a number of filters to change your photo that can offer unique effects. Take unfiltered photos on your mobile phone’s camera, and then open them in Instagram to experiment with the various filters to achieve the best image.
Edit with other apps first. Make photos more unique with apps like Photoshop express, Pixlromatic, Hipstamatic, and Diptic for photo collage.
Know how to delete a caption or comment. Just in case: You can’t modify a caption, but you can go to “comments” and swipe left-to-right to activate the delete button. The same can be done with unwanted comments.
More Instagram Tips
- To use photos from your camera roll, just tap the small square photo in the lower right-hand corner
- When shooting from Instagram, the grid you see is for the “rule of thirds”
- Post only your best shot, not every shot
- Do not steal other photos and pass them off as your own