• Refrain from using only the CSU word mark or Ram’s Head logo as your account(s)’s profile/avatar image, as they tend to be overly used and lack individuality. The University encourages the creation of a profile image that reflects your CSU unit but allows for individuality as well.
  • It is recommended to use a photo commonly associated with your organization as your profile picture. If desired, incorporate the CSU logo or your official CSU “unit identifier” into your profile picture.
  • Please see the Brand Style Guide for reference on using the CSU logo.
  • Be careful not to stretch or distort the CSU logo or Ram’s head in any way and do not modify the logo in any way.
  • Ensure proper resolution of the logo.
  • Green is the preferred color for the CSU logo or Ram’s head, with black or white as an alternative.
  • The CSU logo and Ram’s head are trademarked materials. Any communication containing the CSU logo and/or Ram’s Head must be approved by the Division of External Relations / Public Relations at 491-4179.
  • If your unit is in need of an official unit identifier or if you would like help in creating an avatar/profile image for your social media accounts, please contact Lindsay Connors in CSU’s Division of External Relations at 491-4179 or [email protected].